What is the Third Metatarsal
The third or 3rd metatarsal is the elongated bone positioned at the proximal end of the third proximal phalanx in the middle toe. It is the second lengthiest of all the metatarsal bones and is similar to the third metacarpal of the hand.
Anatomy and Landmarks
Similar to the other 4 metatarsals, this bone possesses a head, body, and base.
Featuring its triangular base on the proximal end, it connects with the lateral cuneiform bone. It has two articular facets on the medial side of the base where the bone connects with the second metatarsal. On the lateral side, there is another facet for articulating with the fourth metatarsal.
At its distal end, the head articulates with the third proximal phalanx.
Muscle Attachment
- The second dorsal interosseus and the first plantar interosseus muscles attach to the medial side of the body of the third metatarsal.
- The lateral side of its body serves as the attachment point for the third dorsal interosseus.
- Metatarsal Bones – Kenhub.com
- Metatarsals – Radiopaedia.org
- Anatomy of the Foot – Arthritis.org